A Simple Way to Meditate

Mental Health, Pediatrics

Meditation helps with stress and anxiety.  Ten to twenty minutes a day can  lower blood pressure, prevent headaches and help you sleep better and improve your mood. There are no side effects.  Try it for two weeks. If it doesn’t work, congratulate yourself for having tried.  The most important thing about meditation is how easy it is. To try is to succeed.  Don’t try too hard.

1. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and undisturbed. Close your eyes.

2. After you’ve let your body get comfortable, notice your breath, how you’re breathing in and out.

3. “Isn’t that interesting.” When other thoughts demand your attention, no big deal. Just gently nudge your awareness back to breathing in and breathing out.  Be aware of your thoughts without judging or trying to do anything about them.

4. After about 15 minutes, you can use a timer, let your eyes open, take a deep breath, let yourself notice the world for a few moments and then get back to whatever you have to do.

5. Try to meditate once or twice a day. To try is to succeed.  There’s no way to do it wrong

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